
A shared passion for design

Just like you, we love the experience of 
an exceptional finished environment and knowing the incredible impact it will have on people’s lives. Inspiring projects are the kind we seek out. Those with ambitious design vision at their heart.

Our role as lead contractor is finding the right way to achieve your desired end-result; how to make the complex buildable. Led by Managing Director, Micheal Tierney, we have the experienced team to make your project achievable.

Meet The Team

As a team, we manage the risks involved in every project and work hard to keep things simple. Our philosophy is to control the controllable. By owning our own machinery, having a directly employed workforce, and by maintaining a strong set of supply chain relationships.

Taking this approach means many of the risks and delays that are common to projects are significantly reduced. We can plan ahead and sequence projects effectively because we are less reliant on others’ resources. And even if the unexpected does occur, we have the flexibility and insights to navigate any challenges.

Our Services

Leadership team

Michael Tierney

Managing Director

Julian Harajda

Business Development Director

Our Projects
